women health tips| Health tips for women to transform into a healthy women

Women health tips|Health tips for women to transform into a healthy women

Women health tips| health tips for women to transform into a healthy women is a must know for every women to look and feel good. Today, let’s explore health tips for women that we need to practice in our daily life for a healthier and productive you each day. Every women must know these health tips for women to adopt them in their life for good health and quality life. Healthy women are more active and age gracefully.

women health tips, health tips for women
Women Health Tips

Eat Healthy Food 

In an effort to accomplish our duties and responsibilities, our daily routines gets so monotonous with time that we hardly tend to focus on ourselves We often ignore what is more important to us, which keeps us going……our health. Do we stop and ask ourselves. Are we eating healthy and nutritious food? What is the nutrition and calorie count of what we intake every day? After all eating healthy contributes a lot to our overall health and energy that drives us each day to be achievers.

Be wise and selective about what you eat. Including healthy food in your diet can significantly improve your health and prevent many diseases. Include natural food like fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eating whole grains and high-fibre foods can help you stay fit. Consume low fat food and leaner cuts of meat and fish.

Eating right keeps you at the optimum weight for your height. This is important because obesity can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. Do not skip on essential nutrition while dieting

Get your daily intake of calcium

For healthy bones you need to take your daily dose of calcium either through your diet or supplements. As you age, lack of required amount of Calcium in the body can lead to weaker bones, a condition referred to as  Osteoporosis.

According to a study by NCBI after the age of 50, the risk of fractures due to osteoporosis is 40%.The prevalence increases with age from 24.9% in 60-64 years to 37.4% in 70-75 years. Additional care needs to be taken post menopause as Estrogen hormone in women responsible to protect bone decreases significantly.

Excessive intake of calcium can lead to kidney stones and constipation. An average recommended daily intake of calcium for women is 1,000mg/day. Calcium rich diet include dairy products like low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese. 

Inculcate Healthy Habits

Taking care of little things will make a big difference to your overall health as you tend to fall sick less frequently. These include washing your hands before eating. Brushing your teeth and flossing twice a day. Stop smoking and limit the intake of alcohol.

Optimum Sun exposure

One of the essential vitamin which we do not get through our diet is vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for bones as it helps in the absorption of calcium from gastrointestinal track.

Exposure to sun rays for 10-15 mins   gives our body vitamin However longer period of sun exposure can lead to skin cancer. Always use a sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15.

Get adequate sleep

You might have often skipped one or two hours of sleep and gone late to bed to complete your office work or to spend some quality time with family. Getting adequate sleep is critical for good health for waking up fresh and energetic.

Poor sleep habits can lead to irregular periods, risk of infertility and an increased chance of miscarriage. Unhealthy sleep habits can also lead to weight problems and increase the long term risk of hypertension, depression and diabetes.

Healthy sleep habits is as important as diet and exercise for women. People who get adequate sleep are found to be more productive at work, less prone to accidents and daytime sleepiness.

The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) women and sleep poll found that women aged 30-60 sleep only 6 hours during the work week. However research have found that 7 to 9 hours of sleep is essential for normal functioning of body.Visit your doctor to identify the cause of your sleepless nights and try to get the required amount of sleep.

Exercise regularly

Daily Exercise helps you stay fit and active. It increase your stamina and energy levels. It also helps reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases.Exercise also boosts immune system and is good for your health and heart.

Exercise for at least 30 mins a day. Consider joining a gym or a yoga class. Initially, it is advisable to start exercising under the supervision and guidance of an expert trainer.

If that is a time constrain for you, start exercising at home. Aerobic exercises like walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling and dancing tone your body. It will also help with muscle strength and stress management. Once you loose weight continue exercising to maintain a healthy body weight,.

Keep away from negative thoughts

For a positive and happy life it is important that we keep away from negative thoughts. It can lead to stress and depression. Maintain good relations and network with family and friends. Take time to talk to them and exchange thoughts.

Living with a purpose  keeps you happy and satisfied in life. It also helps move on with more ease in life. If you have been overburdened with work, take time off and do what you enjoy doing.

Manage Stress

Juggling between different roles in life from a daughter, a wife to a mother can often be stressful. Stress may lead to infertility and other risk factors include depression, anxiety and heart disease.

Maintain you’re cool and keep a check on your stress levels. Stress reduction techniques like meditation, yoga and listening to music help in stress management. Breathing exercises, meditation and message relaxes your body and mind. Find what is working for you and stick to it.

Having understood these health tips for women. Lets get into more details of women health tips and understand few more things to consider and keep in mind.

Address your vaginal problems

Keeping our private parts clean is also part of our health and hygiene. Not keeping it clean can lead to irritation and inflammation. Clean vagina is at a normal vaginal pH level which is between 3.8 and 4.5. This is slightly acidic which prevents harmful bacteria and yeast from multiplying. This will put you at a lower risk of infections.`

While acidic environment of your vagina acts as a barrier to infections, it is not so good for your fertility. Sperms can swim and reach the egg only in an alkaline condition. During Sex, the pH levels turn alkaline temporarily.

Seek advice from your doctor if you are experiencing vaginal pain during sex or excessive bleeding during menstruation.

Have good sex

Couples can enjoy good sex when they are comfortable with each other and vocal about their physical and emotional health. Give room for foreplay before you dive into action.   Discuss with your partner if you are facing discomfort, pain or inflammation during sex. Do not hesitate to share your sexual desires and what turns you on.

Good sex helps build strong immune system and get better sleep. Sex is also known to increase heart health, lower blood pressure. Reap the reward of the robust sex life by burning those extra calories between the sheets.

Great sex life is not just about pleasure but to avoid unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.  Always use protection and practice safe sex.

Keep in mind fertility and prepare for pregnancy

Plan your pregnancy and prepare your body for the same. The most fertile time for women to get pregnant is in their 20’s. The biological clock starts ticking as the fertility and quality of eggs slowly start declining as soon as you are about to hit your 30’s. Keep a track of your fertility cycle each month.

Remove unhealthy food from your diet like caffeine and junk food. Stop smoking and  limit the intake of alcohol.Moderate physical activity and a healthy lifestyle gives you more energy and lifts your spirits. It eases and reduces stress. It helps in easy labour and to bounce back to your normal state of health and weight faster post pregnancy.

 However do not over do on vigorous exercises.According to a study in 2015, even small amount of vigorous exercises adversely impacts fertility. Women who did vigorous exercise for 5 hours a day were 42% less likely to get pregnant than those who did not exercise at all.However exercise helped in faster pregnancy of overweight women whereas increased the time of conception of normal weight women. Limit your exercise routine to less than a hour each day. Maybe having a few minutes of walk in the evening is a good idea to start with.

Reach your ideal BMI (Body mass index) with a   regular workout routine. Women with abnormal BMI are found to have more abnormal eggs and less chances of being and staying pregnant.

Appreciate birth control

Every women would wish to plan and opt for pregnancy rather than getting pregnant by chance. Timely spacing your pregnancies can empower you with better health and increase quality of life.

Carefully choose your contraceptive needs as per your personal needs, lifestyle, and medical history and reliability factors.

While using contraceptive, follow the instruction of usage probably. If not done correctly it can lead to vaginal infections and irritation and  may not be that effective in birth control.There are different types of contraceptive methods from pills, hormonal contraceptive to contraceptive implants. . Examining if the contraceptive used, suits your body, based on your health condition is very critical to avoid any side effects. Other factors to consider is the reliability of birth control measures and for how long the pregnancy needs to be delayed.

 Don’t ignore breast health check

Disease like Cancer used to be rare few years ago but not anymore. Changing lifestyle of people has increased the number of cancer cases reported each year.

Notice and inform your doctor if you observe any changes in your breast. Get a yearly mammogram done for early deduction of breast cancer. Women above the age of 40 should start breast cancer screening once a year, even if they do not have the signs and symptoms. Women that reach the age of 55 or older can switch to a mammogram done every 2 years.

Be assured that your cervix is healthy

If you are sexually active then you may be at the risk of sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia, gonorrhoea, and syphilis. Discuss with your doctor your contraception needs or any other sexual complaints.

Get HIV test done once a year. Start you’re screening for cervical cancer with a pap test right from the age of 21.The screening must be repeated every 3 years. Women aged 30-65 can get this done every 5 years.

Visit Your Doctor once yearly

We tend to ignore minor health issues like joint pains and have a pill from our medical kit. It is a good idea to get a yearly check-up done. Your doctor can identify and early diagnoses any probable health condition, which will allow timely treatment.Also you get to known of any vitamin deficiencies which lead to fatigue or weakness. So do not skip it.

 Keep your doctor informed about your family medical history of dibaties, high cholesterol, heart diseases or cancer. These conditions often run in the family. It is important to known the dos and don’ts to prevent them.

 A Doctor can help you become a healthier version of you. Get the routine yearly tests checklist from your Doctor. It will include blood test, urine test, ECG, Scanning and other tests to check the overall health of your body organs and their functioning.


Hope you found this women's health article about women health tips| Health tips for women to transform into a healthy women useful. Practice the same and inculcate it in your daily life. With conscience effort and perseverance, your desire of becoming a healthier version of yourself will be a reality soon. Do share in the comments it there are any other health tips that can be added to the list.
